Keeping a good desktop background - either something that makes me smile, motivates me or something quite simple, relaxed and minimal.Deleting Internet bookmarks I no longer visit.I can create alerts for all of these if I wish to and I find it a great way to get it all out of my mind and neatly organised digitally so I can access the lists anytime and anywhere on my phone. And I have things like, 'Meal ideas' and 'Family reminders'. I also have 'Blog ideas', 'Youtube Ideas', 'Blog / YT work to do', 'Weekly meal plan', 'Things we need on the shopping' (which is a shared list with my Husband so we can both add to it). So far I have lists for 'Goals', which I keep at the top of the list to motivate me. Also using reminders to keep track of things I need to do.Using the reminders tool to alert me of them. Using the calendar app as a diary to keep track of any important dates or events I need to remember.When working, keeping just the one tab I'm working on open and shutting down others or minimising them so that my screen doesn't appear too cluttered.Making sure that I only have shortcut application icons on the bottom of my iMac screen that I actually use often.Spending a few minutes each day going through my 'Pictures' and 'Documents' folders on my iMac and deleting items I no longer need and making organised folders for things I do want to keep.Marking emails that need a response as 'unread' so that I don't forget to reply. Keeping my inbox as clear as possible and flagging emails that I need to do something for (such as collaborations). Deleting emails that I don't need to keep.Use email templates (again something I've always done) to send canned responses to enquiries or for things that I type out often that could take time.Turning off notifications for all social media (this is something I've always done) as I can respond to things when I am available to be online.'Unliking' pages on Facebook that are no longer relevant to me or that my interests have changed from.Spending 5 minutes a day cutting my 'following' number down on Instagram to make sure my feed is filled with only things that are positive to my life and that inspire me and that I am seeing posts from the people I actually want to see posts from.Doing this task in 5-minute chunks is so much more manageable and realistic in terms of getting this HUGE number down.

Organising other apps I do use into folders on the second page and keeping the first page of my phone as clear as possible with only my most used apps. Removing apps I no longer use from my phone.Cleaning up 'friends' lists - if I haven't spoken to somebody for years then there really is no need to have them on my online social media feeds unless I plan to get back in touch with them.Having notifications come up for junk emails or irrelevant emails is distracting and fills my inbox meaning it's less easy to access emails of importance. (This option is generally found at the bottom of individual emails and it feels SO good to unsubscribe). Unsubscribing from email lists I don't need to be on.Only having important documents I use daily on there within one folder. Deleting icons that don't need to live on the desktop.